Student Analytics

Gain insightful analytics for your students to make your teaching informed.
about the problem

Lack of student performance visibility

Gauging the performance and progress of your students across various courses and assignments is hard. Without visibility into their strengths, weaknesses, and overall academic trajectory, it's difficult to tailor your teaching approach to meet their individual needs effectively.

Student Analytics
The challenge

Reacting to student issues too late

  • Identifying student struggles is crucial for targeted support and intervention.
  • Without a systematic approach to analyzing performance data, key patterns and trends may be missed.
  • This can hinder educators' ability to address areas of difficulty effectively.
  • Our Solution: Student Analytics

    A comprehensive solution to the challenges of lack of student performance visibility and inability to identify student struggles.

    Graide's Aggregated Issues feature offers a solution to the challenges of limited visibility across courses and difficulty in identifying common struggles.

    Graide's Specific Issues feature offers a solution to the challenges of time-consuming issue identification and lack of granular insights into student performance.

    Graide's Grade Distributions feature offers a solution to the challenges of evaluating grade distribution and gaining insight into cohort performance.