AI Assisted Grading

Revolutionise grading efficiency with AI assistance.
about the problem

Time consuming and repetitive grading

Grading work, especially mathematics, short text, and essay work, is a laborious and repetitive task. Educators often find themselves spending countless hours manually assessing student responses, leading to burnout and inefficiencies in the grading process.

AI Assisted Grading
The challenge

Time and resources could be better allocated

  • Grading large volumes of assignments challenges accuracy and fairness, leading to frustration.
  • Assessing math, short text, and essays is laborious and time-consuming.
  • This repetitive work often results in burnout and inefficiencies.
  • Our Solution: AI Assisted Grading

    A transformative solution to the challenges of manual grading in mathematics, short text, and essay questions.

    Graide's AI Mathematics Grading feature offers a transformative solution to the challenges of time-consuming maths grading and feedback complexity.

    Graide's AI Short Text Grading feature offers a transformative solution to the challenges of time-consuming short text grading and feedback precision.

    Graide's AI Essay Grading feature offers a transformative solution to the challenges of time-consuming essay grading and feedback breadth.