Flexible Grading

Grade your students' work the way you want.
about the problem

Trying to be flexible & structured whilst grading

Grading student work can be a daunting task, especially when faced with different types of submissions. From written responses to mathematical equations, you have to navigate a myriad of formats and content types, each requiring careful evaluation and feedback.

Flexible Grading
The challenge

Lack of feedback cohesion within a team

  • Traditional grading methods lack the flexibility and efficiency for meaningful student feedback.
  • Educators spend excessive time navigating different feedback formats.
  • This struggle makes it difficult to maintain consistency and coherence across assignments.
  • Our Solution: Flexible Grading

    Solving to the challenges of grading complexity and inefficient feedback processes.

    Graide's universal grading capability offers a solution to the challenges of diverse student submissions and grading limitations.

    Graide's Feedback Tagging feature offers a solution to the challenges of identifying and addressing broader issues within assignments.

    Graide's One-Time Comments feature empowers educators to provide tailored feedback for unique student situations that may not fit within standard rubrics or feedback templates.

    Graide's Easy Editing feature offers a solution to the challenges of feedback refinement and time-consuming adjustments.

    Graide's Organizing Feedback feature offers a solution to the challenges of feedback management complexity and team coordination issues.