Flexible Submissions

Allow your students to submit all types of answers.
about the problem

Students need to submit in various ways

Catering to the diverse needs and preferences of your students when it comes to submitting their work is a challenge. Some students may prefer typing their responses, while others may prefer handwriting or uploading images or PDFs.

Flexible Submissions
The challenge

Limited submission options

  • Catering to diverse student submission preferences is challenging.
  • Some students prefer typing, others handwriting, or uploading images and PDFs.
  • Traditional methods limit students to a single submission mode, restricting their ability to choose what best suits their work or preferences.
  • Our Solution: Flexible Submissions

    Solving the challenges of accommodating diverse submission preferences and enabling versatile submission methods.

    Graide's Typed Maths feature offers a solution to the challenges of complex mathematics input and formatting frustrations.

    Graide's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature offers a solution to the challenges of digitising handwritten maths and manual transcription struggles.

    Graide's Handwriting Recognition feature offers a solution to the challenges of digitising handwritten mathematics and manual transcription hassles.

    Graide's Image & PDF Uploads feature offers a solution to the challenges of handling graphs, diagrams, and PDFs in student assignments.